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User testing
01 Opening a Manifest

Test 1: Opening a Manifest

This is a self-test.

The goal of this test is simply to open an existing Manifest and view its canvases.


This is the URL of a IIIF Manifest:

(You can open that URL and look at it if you want, but don’t have to).

Copy the Manifest URL above.

Now open the Manifest Editor, at

Tell us what you are thinking as you look at the Manifest Editor and try the following:

Can you open this URL in the Manifest Editor?

Can you get a visual overview of the whole manifest?

Can you see individual canvases (pages)?

Can you see information for an individual canvas?

What other views are available, and what do you think they mean? What are they telling you? What would you use them for?

Loading a different Manifest

Outside of the Manifest Editor, find a different IIIF Manifest (from anywhere you like)

Can you do the same things with this Manifest as you can with the first one?

Final message

Thank you for participating. The next tests involve changing content.